What Makes Us Tick!

As per the requirement under Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board, 2016 r.w. Insolvency & Bankruptcy Board of India (Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons) Regulations, 2016 amended from time to time, E-Voting is compulsory in case any of member is not present in the meeting in which the resolution is voted upon.

We are eVoting Service Provider, providing User Friendly and highly interactive eVoting Platform for Insolvency Resolution Process for Corporate Persons. Curently we serve two types of resolutions to be vote. In first type, we allow members to Asssent/Disssent/Abstain any resolution for which voting is conducted whereas in second type, we allow users to select m choices out of n choices given for particular resolution.

Any eVoting schedule can be of either type or mix type. means an eVoting schedule can have some resolution of type 1 e.g. Assent/Dissent/Abstain or some of other type e.g. resource selection type. In addition if any client has some specific requirent, we can also provide customized eVoting or survey for them.

Our Mission

To be world class eVoting Platform with ease of eVoting, User Friendly, 24x7 availability

Vital Stats

17+ Happpy Clients
164+ Voting Schedules
201368+ Members Registered